Read More 2013 W Taipei Mooncake Packaging
在產品開發的過程中,創新及趣味背後往往涵納的是產品再利用及壽命延長的命題。《台灣果真好禮盒》為2013年台北W Hotel推出的台灣在地名產特色中秋月餅禮盒,當時台北W Hotel正在進行「綠色計畫」,希望融合一貫時尚的品牌形象,帶給消費者環保且突破傳統的溫馨驚喜。
During the process of product development, behind innovation and attractiveness, sustainability by making the product reusable and extending its life cycle are the primary concerns. In 2013, W Hotel Taipei presented the “Tropical Fruity Temptations Moon Cakes” which were crafted with local ingredients from Taiwan. Concerned by the environmental issue and promoting the “Green Choice program” W Hotel Taipei brought to the consumer a product with the perfect combination of style, ecology and trendy celebration of the mid-autumn tradition.
“Tropical Fruity Temptations Moon Cakes” package was made out of recycled plastic to get rid of fancy wrapping and give emphasis to its practical function with simple colors. Besides it gets free from common two-dimensional constraint, presenting as a layered volume that can rotate around its pivot. Therefore the designer focused on redefining the relationship between the consumer and the moon cake package. Instead of being limited to a holiday celebration context only and using excessive package for advertising purpose, after its first use it may simply become an object of everyday life.
TThe author, Eddie Chang, has Moral Right of the work in Miniwiz; W Taipei Hotel has Economic Right of the work.